Who, where, how, what?





Do you have questions about the workshops?

I have listed the frequently asked questions here and hope they will help you.

If you have a question that is not answered, please feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible!


From what age can I or my child take part?

This is a question that is often asked.

In general, during the workshops I indicate the age from which the workshop is suitable. However, I am also willing to make exceptions if, for example, a younger participant can follow the workshop.
The children’s workshops actually start from the age of 6 – but if a preschool child is already very active in drawing and painting and can complete a 60-minute workshop, then I am happy to discuss participation. I also like to offer trial days to see how it works.

So A child as young as 11 can also take part in the workshops for 12+/adults.

Please just talk to me about it and we’ll chat.

How big are the groups?
  • A maximum of 7 children per group can take part in the children’s workshops on Saturday.
  • At the ART & FUN workshops in my studio, I am currently limiting participants to a maximum of 5-6 people.
How are the workshops divided in terms of content?

There are two types of workshops:

  1. Workshops that take place regularly, such as the DRAWING & PAINTING FOR CHILDREN or the
  2. Individual events where a topic is discussed in one evening. You can find an overview of the workshops currently offered here under ART & FUN.

You can join the regular workshops at any time. Topics are discussed repeatedly and deepened – so new participants can join us at any time without feeling like they have missed important topics.

In the children’s workshops, the course is made up of different parts:

  • Drawing – learning drawing techniques
  • Acrylic painting – painting according to instructions
  • Free drawing – the children can draw whatever is on their mind
  • mix colors
  • Apply brush techniques
  • and much more

    This workshop is aimed at beginners and newbies!

    At the ART & FUN workshops, we cover one specific topic in a 2-3 hour workshop. At the end of each workshop, you can take a self-painted canvas (if the workshop topic is acrylic painting for example) home with you. Here, too, the workshop is aimed at beginners and newbies who would like to be creative together in a small group.


    Are workshops outside of your studio also possible?

    In general, I am always open to new ideas.
    So I’d love to come to you too! Of course, the requirements must be discussed in advance – workshops in youth centers or other facilities are conceivable.

    Are you a trained art teacher or educator?

    No, I didn’t study art or studied beeing a school teacher.
    I have been active in the art scene for many years and my works have been exhibited worldwide.
    I worked as an educational assistant for a short time and originally wanted to study art education after graduating. Shortly before starting my studies, I got the chance to work as a graphic designer in an agency. Somehow it stayed that way and I still work as a graphic designer today.

    I really enjoy imparting my knowledge and being creative with other people – so for some time now my studio has also served as a place where I offer workshops and not only push my own art but also like to give other people inspiration –  to be creative.

    More about me:

    Can I bring a tablet/mobile device?

    Yes, you can bring your own tablet to the drawing workshops – if the workshop is covering sketching techniques – like a Cartoon Character Design workshop.
    Please pay attention to the following:
    1. It must be a tablet with suitable drawing software* installed.
    2. You need a suitable digital pen that is pressure sensitive for the tablet.
    This is the only way you can draw digitally!

    * The drawing software must be mastered in its basic functions – my workshops do not include learning the software used.

    Which tablets and software do you recommend?

    For Android or Microsoft tablets I recommend:
    – SketchbookPro
    as an app.
    Unfortunately, there is a huge selection when it comes to specifications.
    In general: A pressure-sensitive digital pen is required, which forms a unit with the software in order to ideally emulate drawing and painting on the tablet.

    At Apple it’s easier to name:
    Here I clearly recommend an iPad Pro from the 10th generation and an Apple Pencil 2nd generation.
    As an app you can choose between
    – ProCreate and
    – SketchbookPro

    There are generally many other apps/programs – I personally work with both systems and apps mentioned above.

    What clothes should I or my child wear?

    When you’re creative, you sometimes make messes!

    Please always wear clothing that can get dirty. It is not always possible to avoid paint spilling on the trousers or the sleeve being dragged through the color palette.
    And color can usually no longer be washed out.

    Please wear an apron or old clothes!

    In which language do the workshops take place?

    At the moment, the regular workshops /saturdays and wedensdays) are staffed by German-speaking participants, so the course takes place in German.
    However, I also speak fairly good English and can also welcome English-speaking participants.
    Of course, I’m not a native speaker and I might explain some things with different explanations – but that can also be funny!

    Jetzt kontaktieren

    Studio: VISEone | Borweg 10 | 54518 Bergweiler

    Telefon: +49 (0) 151 70154620



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    Statement gegen Diskriminierung

    In meinen Workshops setze ich mich für ein Umfeld ein, das von Respekt und Wertschätzung geprägt ist.

    Ich behandle Menschen unabhängig von ihrer Rasse, Hautfarbe, Herkunft, Religion, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, Behinderung oder anderer persönlicher Merkmale fair und gerecht. Ich stehe mit meiner Person gegen jegliche Art von Diskriminierung und handle stets nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen um ein positives Mit- und Füreinander zu fördern.